Publishing Dendron notes

One of the great reasons to use Dendron is so you can share your notes with the rest of the world. Personally I use it to share technical tips (like this one), ideas and other useful resources. It means that when I'm writing website copy or a post I can link to these things without having to explain them all in the text. This is a huge benefit to me as I reference wide-ranging stuff when I write but don't want to bore people who either aren't interested or know about something already.

How to publish

Configure your Dendron workspace

Make sure you've set up your dendron.yml file how you want it, including the siteUrl: property. Without that, the site won't build.

Build your notes

From the command palette run Dendron: Site Build. This command will create a load of files in the output folder, (default is docs).

Put your notes on the internet

The contents of output folder are a standalone website and can be uploaded to whatever your siteUrl value is set to above. They'll work there.

Next steps

You might want to consider making this workflow automatic. You can do this either by copying the notes automatically, or better, by using a cloud-hosted Git repository and some continuous deployment scripting.
