Azure Static Web Apps

Azure Static Web Apps is a place for hosting static sites. That is, sites which don't do any server-side processing. They can still do quite a lot in the front-end, via things like JavaScript. You might want to consider Azure Static Web Apps to host your 11ty site, or your Dendron vault.

Azure Static Web Apps is in preview at time of writing. That means it's subject to change and shouldn't really be used for production. At the moment it only works with Github repos, but more are planned, likely Azure Repositories next.

There are two approaches to hosting a site created with a site builder on your site. The first, "proper" way is to configure the app so that it builds automatically through Github. This means that whenever a file is edited and pushed to the repository it'll update the website. The second, simpler way is to build the site locally and then push the contents to a folder. This isn't as elegant, but it is easier to set up and will use fewer of your Github build minutes.

One of the big advantages of Azure Static Web Apps over alternatives like AWS Amplify or Google Firebase is that AWSA can add a level of access control to your published files through a feature called "routes". Access control is one of the most challenging aspects of creating static sites. AWS Amplify can password protect the whole thing, and Firebase doesn't offer it at all. Routes offers a rule-based configuration to give fine-grained access; different people to different content on your site.

  1. Publishing Dendron as an Azure Static Web App