

Schemas are way of defining note structure in Dendron. They're intended to give you consistent structure between different entries. They can also be associated with templates, which is great for consistency and automation.

Personal note uses

Daily notes and tasks

I keep a daily note where I keep track of things I'd like to do, ideas, etc...


I organise my projects under their primary area of responsibility.

Calls and meetings

I organise all of my meetings under the person or group they were with, by date. So when I have a call with someone I can keep a track of what I said, and more importantly, anything I said I'd do.

Public note uses

In my public notes I plan to create schemas for each of the domains. That lets me keep things consistent and make sure the right kind of stuff is under each one. That hopefully helps findability, for myself and for others!

Working with schemas


Imports let you stack schemas. Why might you do that? So that if you have a use-case that works across multiple different areas you can use the same bit of the schema over and over. For example, you might want the same schema to create tasks for projects and also create tasks for meetings. You can import the "tasks" schema into both your projects and meetings schema. Then, when you update tasks, it'll automatically change the others.
