
Work in progress


To surface the most interesting and high-value things I can be doing without worrying that I'm missing something else.


Documentation about work should be:

  • Visible in context and close to the information that informs their completion
  • Finable and capable of aggregation across different projects
  • Able to be broken down into checklists
  • Easily repeatable


Use Schema create necessary consistency and to provide templates. Currently schema are the only way to do templating in Dendron.

Use the methods of Aggregating Notes to bring a range of different tasks together.


Areas of responsibility

These are the overall domains of work. They represent the top-level organisation of the "doing" side of my vault. In the long run, I'd like to be able to share these with others too.

Some areas of responsibility have regularly-repeating specific projects. These can be automated by giving them their own schema, but then they can't go in a generic project hierarchy.


This is work which has yet to form into a project. The goal of a pre-project is to be turned into a project, to be mothballed or to be dropped. Tracked as a kanban board within a given area of responsibility


These are specifically defined plans of action with an end goal and an indentifiable end-date. Tracked as a kanban board within a given area of responsibility.

Examples of a project might include creating an event, creating some content, or otherwise doing something with a clear end.


Tasks are small, discrete sections of a project do-able by a single person. They are complete when all of their checklist items are complete. Tracked as a kanban board within a given project.


The individual steps necessary to complete a tasks, tracked as check-boxes. Created both by schema templates and by Snippets.


Moving completed tasks and projects to an archive prevents them from showing up in the aggregation pages.

Regular tasks

There are some things that need doing daily, weekly or monthly in addition to project-based work. These BAU tasks are tracked using a modification of bullet journalling, so are always present in the daily note.


This covers tasks which don't have a fixed deadline but are interesting to follow up. They might be checking out a book, researching a person or otherwise checking something out.

Aggregation pages

Each type of note is aggregated at its level above. Dendron can currently cope with two levels of nesting, so any implementation needs to limit itself to that.