
Hosting the main part of the website is a big part of your web presence. One of the quickest and easiest ways to do this is using a static site builder.

These can have many of the features you would associate with more complicated web app, including blogs, forms, and javascript stuff. Where you can't host something directly on the static site you can always embed it.

There are three big players for static web hosting:

  • Jekyll
    • The "original" and well supported/documented
    • Lots of features, but some of them are a bit of a cludge
    • Lets you write in it's own language, Liquid
  • Hugo
    • Really fast to compile
    • Limited features comparted to the other to
    • Lets you write in Markdown
    • Written in Go
  • Gatsby
    • Much more extensible than the others
    • Lets you draw information from lots of data sources including static markdown files
    • Much steeper learning curve than for other sites
    • Written in Node
      • If you want a simpler node-based generator, consider 11ty
        • You can always migrate from stuff written in 11ty to Gatsby later on if you hit limits

Because of it's simple learning curve, flexibility and modern web technology, as well as the fact it's used by Dendron to do its builds, I'm using 11ty.